Credit Card & eCheck
Donating by credit card or eCheck is the fastest and easiest way to support CLIP. New in 2024, we also have an option to spread out payments into 4 monthly installments.
Paper Check
Please make checks payable to ‘CLIPCO’ and include your child’s name, grade, and room number in the memo section. You can submit checks to the teacher and/or front office, or mail checks to:
P.O. Box 1344 Cupertino, CA 95015
To receive participation credit: Go to Cheddar Up and select the relevant items to add to your cart. Please add one donation per child to your card and split the donation accordingly. Upon checking out, you will be asked for additional information and have the ability to select payment type. Select “Cash or Check” and submit.
Company Donation Portal (e.g. Benevity) Donations
After making your donation via your company donation portal, please complete the following steps to receive participation credit:
- Go to Cheddar Up and select the relevant items to add to your cart. Please add one donation per child to your card and split the donation accordingly. Upon checking out, you will be asked for additional information and have the ability to select payment type. Select “Cash or Check” and submit.
- Email with proof of donation. A screenshot of the transaction or receipt is perfect.
Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Donations
After making your donation via the DAF, please complete the following steps to receive participation credit:
- Go to Cheddar Up and select the relevant items to add to your cart. Please add one donation per child to your card and split the donation accordingly. Upon checking out, you will be asked for additional information and have the ability to select payment type. Select “Cash or Check” and submit.
- Email with proof of donation. A screenshot of the transaction or receipt is perfect.
Stock Donations
CLIP accepts stock transfers in lieu of cash donation. It’s simple and easy. When you donate stock to charity, you’ll generally take a tax deduction for the full fair market value. And because you are donating stock, your contribution and tax deduction may instantly increase over 20%1. Would you prefer to donate bonds or mutual funds? The same benefits apply.

Donation Instructions:
- Log in to your brokerage and initiate a direct transfer of stock to CLIPCO using the information below:
- DTC: 0226
- Account Number: Z40-397097
- Account Name: Cupertino Language Immersion Program Community Organization
- Receiving Firm Name: “Fidelity Investments”
- Send email to including the following information:
- Your name
- Child’s name
- Child’s grade
- Donated stock name
- # Shares donated
- To receive participation credit: Go to Cheddar Up and select “Any Grade One-Time Donation” to add to your cart. The donation amount is the equivalent cash value of your stock at the time you donated it.
- Please add one donation per child to your cart and split the donation amount accordingly.
- Upon checking out, you will be asked for additional information and have the ability to select payment type. Select “Cash or Check” and submit.
- Please note, the donation amount entered into CheddarUp may be slightly different than what is listed on your tax receipt due to minor stock fluctuations and processing speed.
- Donation receipt will be emailed to you by our treasurer once the securities have been received and verified.
Please consult with your tax advisor to determine whether your donation is tax deductible in whole or in part. Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute legal or tax advice.